Form Builder

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Brantford Youth Council Application

Are you between the ages of 13 to 18 and want to have a say in your community? Here's the chance to be the voice for YOUth in Brantford! 

The Brantford Youth Council (BYC) plans and implements activities, special events and community impact projects throughout the year such as; Youth Week, youth advocacy, and youth-oriented community initiatives.

Participation in the BYC meetings and events is eligible for community volunteer hours. Additionally, by participating in BYC you can gain important skills and experiences in leadership, collaboration, project management and community impact.


I am/My child is a resident of the City of Brantford:
Please select your/your child's age category:

Photo Consent

Please have your parent/guardian fill out the City of Brantford's Photo/Video consent form for a minor and then email a copy of the form to

If you have any accessibility needs/questions, dietary restrictions, and/or allergies you’d like facilitators to be aware of, or any other questions, please contact us at

Please note that the personal information collected on this Application Form is collected under the authority of Section 10 (1) of Municipal Act, 2001, as amended and will only be used for the purposes of contacting applicants interested in applying to the Brantford Youth Council in Brantford, ON. Should you have any questions about the collection of this personal information, please email