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Council Proclamations and Flag-Raising Ceremony Request


Proclamations are ceremonial statements issued by Brantford City Council that officially recognize the importance of an event, a campaign or an organization of significance that are of interest or benefit to the residents of Brantford for a particular day, week or month. A proclamation does not establish a personal or civic endorsement.

Flag-Raising Ceremonies

A flag-raising ceremony at Harmony Square in Brantford is a formal event that brings the community together to celebrate and recognize significant occasions, cultural heritage, or important causes. The ceremony typically includes remarks from City officials, community leaders, and special guests, followed by the hoisting of the flag. Please note that a Flag-Raising Ceremony cannot be held without a Proclamation.

Speaking Remarks at Flag Raising Ceremonies

To ensure that remarks made during flag-raising ceremonies align with the City of Brantford’s values and standards, organizations requesting a flag-raising must submit any planned remarks in advance for review and approval by the City at least three days prior to the scheduled flag raising. This process ensures that messaging remains respectful, inclusive, and in line with the purpose of the ceremony.

A single representative from each requesting organization may provide brief remarks at the ceremony, following the approved script. If the approved remarks are not followed during the event, future requests from the organization may be subject to additional review or may not be considered.

The City of Brantford appreciates the cooperation of participating organizations in maintaining the integrity of these ceremonies as a shared space for community recognition.

Requests for Proclamations with or without Flag-Raising Ceremonies must be submitted at least 90 days in advance by a City of Brantford resident, City of Brantford property owner or City of Brantford resident on behalf of an organization.

Please select the applicable submission option:
Has this been requested before?
Please indicate which category your proclamation falls under:

Minimum characters: 100


Allowed extensions pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif

Minimum characters: 100

Does this proclamation require a Flag-Raising Ceremony?
Subject to availability and approval, would you like to request a colour to compliment your initiative through a City Hall lighting display.
Subject to availability and approval, would you like to request to have the façade lighting and an image added to the rotation of the Sanderson Centre marquee.
Subject to availability and approval, would you like to request a colour(s) to compliment your initiative via a lighting display on the Harmony Square flag poles.

Allowed extensions pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif

The full Corporate Policy-049 Proclamation Request Policy is available for review.

Personal information on this form is collected under the authority of Section 10(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended and will be used to contact you concerning your service request and or inquiry to the City of Brantford. Questions about this collection should be directed to the Clerks Department at