The Brantford and Area Sports Hall of Recognition Alliance Board is looking for additonal volunteers for the Alliance Board and Selection Sub-Committees. Interested applicants should possess a passion for sports. Applicants must be ages 18 or over to be considered.
The Alliance Board is comprised of 9 to 12 volunteers and meets the third Wednesday of each month, except in July and August. Meetings are held at the Wayne Gretzky Sports Centre, located at 254 North Park Street in Brantford. The Alliance Board works together with City of Brantford assigned staff to help coordinate the following activities:
The Selection Sub-Committee is comprised of 9 members appointed by the Alliance Board and meets 1 to 2 times per year. The purpose of the Selection Sub-Committee is to select candidates from submitted nominations to the Sports Hall, as per the defined criteria and procedures.
Personal information on this form is collected and authorized under Section 10(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001 and will be provided to the Sports Hall Executive and Selection Committees for the purpose to select volunteer members to the Brantford and Area Sports Hall of Recognition Executive and Selection Committees. Questions about this collection can be directed to the Manager of Tourism, Culture and Sport, 58 Dalhousie Street, P.O. Box 818, Brantford, Ontario, N3T 5R7, by emailing or calling 519-759-4150 ext.5567.
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