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Flood Hero Volunteer Application  Form

The City of Brantford and local Neighbourhood Associations are looking for "Flood Hero" volunteers to provide support with shoveling, flooding ice, and maintaining local outdoor ice rinks. Outdoor ice rinks provide the Brantford community with free access to outdoor recreation during the winter months. If you are interested in becoming a Flood Hero in your area, please fill out the following application form.

Personal information on this form is collected under the authority of section 10(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended and will be used solely for the City of Brantford Parks and Recreation Neighbourhood Rink program. Questions about this collection should be directed to the Manager of Community Recreation and Events at 519-759-4150 ext.5537.

Are you aged 16 or over? Volunteers under the age of 16 must have parental consent and provide the name and phone number of a guardian/parent.
Select your preferred rink location (provide general location, i.e. street name(s), you would like to volunteer at. Please select all that apply if you are willing to be a Flood Hero at multiple outdoor rinks.
I consent to the City of Brantford sharing my contact information to the local Neighbourhood Association responsible for the selected Neighbourhood ice Rink so that they may contact me about my application to be a Flood Hero.